And lo I bathe in a universe of starlightSpreading vast and infinite in all its powerA forever field of frequenciesInterrupted by moments of galactic gloryA
A “godfather” of the space revolution, Rick Tumlinson has spent 30+ years defining, enabling, and founding many of the pillars of the frontier movement. He has been called one of the world’s top space “visionaries” and is credited with helping create the commercial space industry, often referred to as NewSpace. As a result of his world-changing work, in 2015 he won the World Technology Award along with Craig Venter of the Human Genome project. He is a founding partner of SpaceFund, a new type of investment firm at the intersection of digital financial technologies and space development. He led the commercial takeover of the Russian Mir space station, signed the first space tourist, co-founded the Space Frontier Foundation, and was a founding board member of the X-Prize. A leading writer, speaker, policy expert and Congressional witness, Rick has influenced and consulted on space policies involving the private sector, property rights, contracting and space resources for the US and other governments and at the UN level. Currently, his non-profit organization, the EarthLight Foundation is changing the world’s conversation about space, as his New Worlds Institute, develops the people and technology to settle the frontier.
Rick came from the working-class family of a US Air Force Sargent and English mother known for her pioneering work with the elderly and poor in Texas. He grew up in the UK, West Texas and California, was heavily involved in scouting and worked on several school papers. His ancestors helped found Texas, including a central role in creating the Texas Rangers and starting and fighting in the Texas revolution and the Alamo. This pioneering background, and reading lots of science and science fiction, led him to found the New York City L-5 Space Society in the early 1980s. He then worked for Dr. Gerard K. O’Neill and Dr. Freeman Dyson, godfathers of the human space settlement movement, at the Space Studies Institute at Princeton.
Rick then co-founded the Space Frontier Foundation, the first space organization to take on the “aerospace industrial complex” in Washington DC (once called “pound for pound the most effective space organization on Earth”) and led the charge for space settlement and commercial space policies – including those that ended the space shuttle program, and are now enabling commercial spaceflight and the private sector takeover of the opening of the frontier.
In the 1990s Rick co-founded the company LunaCorp which attempted to place a commercial lunar rover on the Moon and flew the world’s first commercial to be shot in space on the ISS. As featured in the documentary Orphans of Apollo, he instigated and led the team that took over the aging Russian space station Mir, flying one crew to the facility and leading to his signing of Dennis Tito to fly on the International Space Station. During this period he worked with NASA to help establish the concept of civilian flights to the station. Later, he started Deep Space Industries, a space resource and asteroid mining company. He signed the world’s first commercial contract for resource exploration with Luxembourg, then assisted in the development of space resource policy there, in the UAE and in the US Congress that helped set the stage for today’s focus on in space resources.
The EarthLight Foundation hosts the New Worlds conference and throws the annual Space Cowboy Ball in Austin, Texas Nov. 5-7 – considered a must attend event celebrating space education and the heroes of space fiction and reality. His book “ The Space Manifesto” will be published in 2020.
He edited the book Return to the Moon, is a regular writer for the Huffington Post and Space News and has been quoted around the world from the New York Times to China’s People’s Daily. A founding Board Member of the XPrize, he founded the Texas Space Alliance and Foundation, a commercial space suit company Orbital Outfitters and Silicon Valley based Deep Space Industries – an asteroid mining firm.
Currently, his New Worlds organization is focused on developing the people and technology to open the frontier. New Worlds held a major US space policy summit in Washington DC in 2015, and will be putting on its fourth New Worlds Conference Nov. 9-11 in Austin.
And lo I bathe in a universe of starlightSpreading vast and infinite in all its powerA forever field of frequenciesInterrupted by moments of galactic gloryA
The first Lunar Declaration was unveiled in 1999 at an earlier Lunar Development Conference. It also appeared in the essay anthology “Return to the Moon”
Imagine you are aboard the ship of Christopher Columbus sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, fixed on reaching the shores of India, yet mystified by the discovery of a land you had never seen before. Imagine you are one of the architects of the Florence cathedral, your vision for one of Italy’s great houses of God being completed before your very eyes. Finally, imagine you are Galileo; you are facing the might of the Catholic Church for your claims of support for the scientific works of Copernicus and you would sacrifice your own freedom for the facts regarding our place in the universe to be revealed to the world.
I first drafted this in 1998 as during the lead up to the 1999 30th anniversary of Apollo. It is in the back of the
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