How Much Space is in Space?

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By Frank White

(c) Copyright, Frank White, 2022, All Rights Reserved


This article argues that human technological civilization has exceeded the “carrying capacity” of planet Earth’s ecosystem. As a result, we must shift the paradigm around Large-Scale Space Migration (LSSM) from a “nice to do project” for some to “a viable option in achieving sustainability.” All governments worldwide will need to join with the private sector in making this effort a high priority, a central project.

This paradigm shift will expand our understanding of “the environment” from the “terrestrial ecosystem” to the “solar ecosystem,” and will speak to the concerns of environmentalists. It is an opportunity for the environmental movement and space industry to unite around a common purpose.

The paper also argues that LSSM can unfold with minimal impact on other celestial bodies, like the Moon and Mars, by building human habitats in “free space,” using extraterrestrial materials.

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