
Why We Must Go

By Frank White The question is no longer if humanity should expand into other parts of the solar system, but only how we undertake this

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The Moon Declaration 2021

The first Lunar Declaration was unveiled in 1999 at an earlier Lunar Development Conference. It also appeared in the essay anthology “Return to the Moon”

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The Space Option

By Arthur Woods Science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke could not have stated it more clearly in 1968: “The challenge of the great spaces between

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The need to dream in darkness

Imagine you are aboard the ship of Christopher Columbus sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, fixed on reaching the shores of India, yet mystified by the discovery of a land you had never seen before. Imagine you are one of the architects of the Florence cathedral, your vision for one of Italy’s great houses of God being completed before your very eyes. Finally, imagine you are Galileo; you are facing the might of the Catholic Church for your claims of support for the scientific works of Copernicus and you would sacrifice your own freedom for the facts regarding our place in the universe to be revealed to the world.

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