humanity in space

Why Space Exploration Needs to be a Religious Endeavor

Imagine you are aboard the ship of Christopher Columbus sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, fixed on reaching the shores of India, yet mystified by the discovery of a land you had never seen before. Imagine you are one of the architects of the Florence cathedral, your vision for one of Italy’s great houses of God being completed before your very eyes. Finally, imagine you are Galileo; you are facing the might of the Catholic Church for your claims of support for the scientific works of Copernicus and you would sacrifice your own freedom for the facts regarding our place in the universe to be revealed to the world.

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The Lunar Declaration

I first drafted this in 1998 as during the lead up to the 1999 30th anniversary of Apollo. It is in the back of the

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The Hope of Opportunity

When she landed on Mars in 2004, Opportunity and her sister rover Spirit were planned to explore for 90 days or so. Spirit lasted 7

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The power of art from space

When we think of space exploration, what comes to mind for many is science. Science and technology and making new discoveries. All of these things

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