While the title references Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, this poem was written about stargazing with an Astronomer/ Stellar Astrobiologist who worked on exoplanet data from the Kepler program. It explores the romance of not just stargazing itself, but in finding our place in the universe.
The Law of Orbits
When Michael tells me
It’s Cygnus, marking the Northern Cross
And four thousand chances
To know we are not alone
His dinner plate-sized hands
Tracing the swan’s neck
As she drifts in milky-way clouds
Sending ripples to our little shore
On the cosmic sea
The blue-pink horizon beyond
Competes with heart-glow
Warming my skin in the night air
We lament the city’s brilliance
It dares us to strain our eyes
Though radiant,
It and a waning gibbous moon
Drown the distant glimmer
Of so many constellations,
And the faint worlds Kepler gave us
The ultimate lottery
A phosphorescent roulette
Lit by ancient suns
Hiding older secrets
Every one of us has longed,
And dared to know
I am not confounded by the not-knowing,
Or the torrent of inquiry
Provoked by each of
Four thousand chances
To know we are not alone
An intoxicating thrill
Bested only by the heat
From those high-voltage dinner plate hands
Which could draw down the moon
And vault my heart across heaven
I need no looking-glass
Into a remote, cosmic beyond
With yesterday’s myths
Or tomorrow’s mystery
And I don’t absolutely have to know
If one in four thousand
Give us good odds
For winning that stellar fortune
That is a boundless search
In the eternal oneness
And great infinite all-that-ever-was-or-will-be
Not unlike my own voyage,
A quest to discover
The terminal certainty
That in my heart-glow
Under blue-green twilight
And faraway planets
Glinting whispers of bewitching enigma
Beside the mystical Pleiades
Who play a celestial game of charades
I have endeavored
Orderly, wildly,
Passionately, painstakingly,
In deliberate crusade
Not to know that we creatures
Are not so alone
But that I,
As this singular Earth
In the empyrean deep
As the brothers Gemini
Or Leda and Zeus,
I, too, belong
To an exquisite mate
Among the immortal,
Sublime cosmic sea
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