What the Overview Effect Shows About Global Economic Ethics
What the Overview Effect Shows About Global Economic Ethics Rutherford Card. Johnson, PhD, FPRS Adapted from: Rutherford Card. Johnson. “The Psychology of the Overview Effect
Ct. Rutherford Card. Johnson, PhD, FPRS is a cleric, author, and educator teaching economics and international business and culture at the University of Minnesota’s Crookston campus.
As an economic and senior strategic policy consultant, he has provided marketing, economic, media, strategic policy, international affairs, and design services for various businesses and non-profits around the world. His research includes work in behavioural economics, international economics, ethics in business, finance, and economics; and regional geographical economic analysis incorporating GIS. He developed the Theory of Parallel Rationality and the mathematical Choice Wave model of probabilistic behaviour.
His interests include high-altitude alpine mountaineering, equestrian, music, and history, particularly of the Holy Roman Empire and medieval and Renaissance Italy. He is also a qualified mariner with additional certifications in navigation and maritime search and rescue.
What the Overview Effect Shows About Global Economic Ethics Rutherford Card. Johnson, PhD, FPRS Adapted from: Rutherford Card. Johnson. “The Psychology of the Overview Effect
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